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Getting involved

Join our Cause

There’s more than one way that you can help. Whether you want to volunteer, get your company involved or simply donate to wood4trees, everyone can make a real difference. Check out the opportunities below and contact us if you have any questions, this is our chance......

Volunteering Opportunities

Every small step will make a huge difference to Our planet. Come and join our woodland army and let's begin the fight against climate change together. If you just want to give your time come along to help children pot their own tree. We're giving free trees to all local schoolchildren and started in the Spring of 2021 at Great Marlow School potting up nearly 250 trees.

Volunteer Team

Fundraising Opportunities

The human nature of giving is one of the most powerful forces. At wood4trees we're working towards creating a better place for everyone to enjoy. Trees play a massive part in bringing life to Our planet and helping to redress the imbalance we have created. Get your friends and colleagues involved by sponsoring a local school and then come and join with the children as they help create Our own woodland, one tree at a time.



If you wood simply like to donate then just £3 is enough to provide a tree for one of our local children to nurture. Every tree helps provide a lifeline for us all and will help us create a place that everyone can enjoy for many years to come. Thank you for your support.

Get Involved: Get Involved
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